The dust has settled after our ‘holiday’ at Beef 2015 and we’re now back into the routine of our business managing cows, grass and kids ponies!

The little ones have attended their Term 2 mini school and we’ve enjoyed a week-end with both Tess and Andrew home to help out.


The lure of attending our local camp draft and mentoring her little brothers as they rode in the Junior Draft was enough to coax Tess to jump on a plane home from Brissie.

After watching the action at the camp draft, the kids have come home with renewed enthusiasm for mustering cattle and getting the most out of their horses. There has been ample opportunity to practice as we gather weaners together to begin drafting them into weight ranges.

With Tess and Andrew back at work/school, Lachlan has cheerfully stepped up into the role of leading hand. With his horse, Nacho, out of action with an injury, I’ve relinquished my steed, Monty.

It’s been a perfect match.

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Both Eliza and Adelaide are also insistent on riding at every opportunity. Most days Eliza dresses in her jeans and long sleeve shirt and then dons the top boots and riding helmet, hoping that at some stage someone will saddle Holly.


Matching horse to rider is always a challenge. We have been fortunate to have a string of ideal kids’ ponies. And while I say ponies, all of them are actually hand-me-down mustering horses with many miles under their belts. Holly is an absolute biddy when the older kids ride her, however she and Eliza have formed a very special bond.



Patriot has been handed down from our legendary Aunty Josie. Hamish rode Patriot all of last year and we didn’t think that we’d ever break their bond.

Adelaide had been riding Mochachinno but problematic knees were causing her grief and so we suggested Adelaide should try Patriot. Again, a match made in heaven.


This week the mustering team, consisting of Rob and his helpers, aged 9, 7, 5 and 3, walked around 700 young cattle from Ripplebrook back to the house yards over two afternoons.


 The girls looked after the tail of the mob ……


….. and each other.


Hamish has confidently moved on from Patriot and is now aboard Tess’ beloved Big Ben. Ben is very patient as Hamish manoeuvres him next to a log or drum to clamber up onto his back  and willing works the wing of the mob.

It really is a beautiful partnership.


Seems that we have a paddock full of horses but I guess that matches a house full of kids.


There are 3 comments on this article:

  • On 22/05/2015 Erin said:

    as always love seeing pictures of your family working with the cattle and horses:)

    Hey and a new blog look! Looks great:)

  • On 22/05/2015 Emma said:

    Love reading your blog, and always such beautiful photos! Is there a way I can subscribe so I don’t miss any of your posts?

  • On 25/05/2015 BB said:

    Awesome – felt like I was there. And those short stirrups… soooooooo cute!!!! 🙂

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