Schools back in ….. again.

Lots of things happening in Term 3 with me, the Home Tutor, having a trip to Brisbane each week for the next four. That means lots of disruptions to our little routine so we’ve invented the term “Power Days”. These are the days we know we don’t have interruptions, we’re all on deck and are the days that everyone knows we have to achieve supernatural amounts of work and ‘power’ through our lessons. The ideas seems to be working quite well so far ….  A new word, or idea, however small, seems to motivate my little learners.


When I was a child I trembled at the thought of ‘speaking for the camera’. This generation, however, love it! Each day they write independently for fifteen minutes. We call it ‘rainbow’ writing. This week. everyone is writing a recipe and then trialling it in the kitchen.  Kids in the kitchen and all of that! Last week they wrote a story with a prompt, “I woke up and it was snowing …..”. Of course it doesn’t ever snow here but it certainly had the creative juices flowing. After writing their piece and editing on Friday, I record them reading it for their ‘real’ teacher at the ‘proper school’. Eliza, with no story written and not one to be left out, grabbed the nearest book to her and recited a nice little tale from it. So cute ….



While primary school has recommenced, Andrew has still been on school holidays. He’s relished working outside with Dad while the little ones have been back in the classroom. Hasn’t been all hard work though and he found a little idle time to practice a few tricks on his sister’s horse (hence the pink bridle ;))


Not to be outdone, Tess, who had swapped the city lights for a week-end of playing ‘cowgirl’ had a go at performing on Duke. She declared his back not wide enough before standing upright.


Eliza just concentrated on getting the hand on the hip pose down pat.


Am quite astonished at how my little ducklings are growing.


They’re becoming so useful whether it’s in the kitchen, the garden


or out in the paddock. Means we’re powering through some work both in the classroom and out!!


There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 23/07/2015 Erin said:

    Isn’t it funny how just a phrase like ‘power days’ motivates them. sad truth is the word play only is effective until the novelty wears off, then again you can always dream up a new phrase:)
    Your children are growing fast!
    4 times in 4 weeks! Sounds exhausting, here’s wishing you extraordinary energy.

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